YEAR LIST for 2024

A list of all the species I've seen this year.
Gives an idea of what can be seen at the various locations
and at what date they first appear.

Birds in CAPITALS are first time sightings,("Lifers" or 1st on IOW),
(IOW total in Brackets). Feral/Escaped birds (E), Sub-species (Ssp)

Jan 1st.-- "Birdrace" from 7.00 to 16.0 in order of sightings. (IOW only)
8.40 (01 - 07) Robin, Crow, Swan, Mallard, Canada Geese, Blackbird, Tufted Duck Ryde Canoe Lake
7.30 (08 - 44) Robin, (Cetti's),Teal, Pheasant, Coot, Wren, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Blackbird, Coot, (Moorhen),
Wood Pigeon, (Cetti's), Pheasant, Little Grebe, Teal, Greylag Geese, Heron, (Water Rail),
Great Tit, Wren,Herring Gull, Dunnock, Black-tailed Godwit, Wigeon, Brent Geese, Kestrel,
Curlew, Black-headed Gull,Shelduck, Knot,Redshank, Stock Dove, Little Egret, Chaffinch,
Grey Plover, Reed Bunting,Greenshank, Great-Black Back Gull,Blue Tit, Cormorant,Spoonbill,
Greenfinch, (Sparrow), Feral Pigeon, Rook,
8.40 (45 - 47) 45 Gannet, Magpie, Song Thrush, Fort Victoria
9.20 (48) Collared Dove, Shalfleet
9.25 (49 - 51) Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Pintail Cassey Bridge
9.30 (52 - 55)
52 Jackdaw, Meadow Pipit, Rock Pipit, Dunlin, Turnstone, Red-breasted Merganser,
Buzzard, (Great Spotted Woodpecker)
Newtown NR
10.40 (60 - 63) Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Pied Wagtail, Fieldfare, Stag Lane & Dodnor
10.52 (59 - 62) Greylag Goose, Peregrine, Long-tailed Tit Werrar to Dodnor Pond
11.30 (64 - 66) Great Northern Diver, Great-crested Grebe, Common Gull, Fishbourne Beach
12.00 (67 - 68) Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Ryde Harbour
12.25 (69 - 75) Starling, Mediterranean Gull, Shag, Razorbill,
Slavonian Grebe, Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern,
Springvale to Seaview
13.05 (76 - 80) Snipe, Gadwall, Pochard, Shoveler, Peregrine, St. Helens bridge to Ponds
Jan 3rd. (81)
Jay (1)
Mistle Thrush (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Marsh Harrier (2)
Long-tailed Tit (H)
Treecreeper (1)
Goldcrest (1-2)
Great Egret (1)
Quarr Road etc.
" "
" "
St. Helens Bridge
" "
Firestone Copse
" "
Brading Marsh
Jan 4th. (89)
Siskin (H)
Redwing (1)
Linnet (c30)
Red-legged Partridge (4)
Chiffchaff (1)
Blackwater FP (N)
" "
Birchmore Lane
Bleak Down
Horringford Cycle Track (W)
Jan 5th. (94)
Raven (1)
Barn Owl (1)
Culver Down
Brading Marsh
Jan 6th. (96)
Coal Tit (H)
Crossbill (c20)
Golden Plover (c25)
Jack Snipe (1)
Mandarin (1 Imm.)
Little Owl (1)
Bouldnor Forest
" "
Newtown NR
Dodnor Pond
Blackwater FP
Jan 7th. (102) Purple Sandpiper (1) E. Cowes Esplanade
Jan 8th. (103) Yellowhammer (2) Mottistone Down
New Forest Trip (1) Normandy, Pennington, Blashford, Eyeworth & Cadman's Ponds.9th Jan.
Jan 9th. ------ 104
------ 105
------ 106
------ 107
------ 108
------ 109
------ 110
------ 111
------ 112
Avocet c30
Egyptian Geese 2
Goldeneye 2
Stonechat 2
Red-crested Pochard 1f
Lesser Redpoll 2+
Nuthatch 2+
Goosander 1m
Marsh Tit 1
" "
" "
Blashford Lakes
" "
" "
Cadman's Pool
Eyeworth Pond
Jan 11th. (104)
Goldeneye 1f
Stonechat 1f
Jan 12th. (106) 113 Kingfisher (1) Bembridge Harbour
Jan 14th. (107) 114 Grey Wagtail (1) Biomass, Stag Lane
Jan 18th. (108) 115 White-tailed Eagle (1)-Introduced Bembridge Marsh
New Forest Trip (2) Normandy, Pennington, Acres Down, Blashford, Cadman's Pond, Pennington, Normandy19th Jan.
Jan 9th. ------ 116
------ 117
------ 118
------ 119
Lesser-spotted Woodpecker (2)
Firecrest (1)
Greater Scaup (1m)
Acres Down
" "
" "
Jan 20th. (109) 120
(110) 121
Kittiwake (3)
Fulmar (2)
St. Catherine's Pt.
" "
Jan 22nd. (111) 122 Red-throated Diver (1) Seaview Esp.
Jan 24th. (112) 123 Skylark (8) Culver Down
Jan 25th. (113) 124 Short-eared Owl (1) Laundry Lane
Jan 26th. (114) 125
(115) ------
(116) ------
Guillemot (4)
Egyptian Geese (4)
Sparrowhawk (1)
St. Helens Bridge
" "
Jan 27th. (117) 126
(118) 127
Blackcap (1f)
Lesser-black Backed Gull (1)
St. Helens Duver
Bembridge Harbour
Jan 28th. (119) 128 Hooded Crow (1) Cowes College
Jan 30th. (120) 129 Red-necked Grebe (1) Seagrove Bay
Feb 1st. (121) 130 Dartford Warbler (4) Mottistone Down
Feb 2nd. (122) 131 Black-necked Grebe (1) Ryde Pierhead
Feb 11th. (S.Sp 2) Pale-bellied Brent (1) Fishbourne Beach
New Forest Trip Mark Ash Wood Cadman's Pool, Acres Down, Pennington, Normandy20th Feb.
Feb. 20th. ------ 132
------ 133
------ 134
------ 135
------ 136
------ 137
Eider (3)
Tawny Owl (1)
Waxwing (2)
Goshawk (2-4)
Ruff (2)
Bar-tailed Godwit (1)
Mark Ash Wood
Acres Down
Mainland Trip Normandy Blashford, Slimbridge20th Feb.
Feb 23rd. ------ E3
------ 138
------ 139
------ 140
------ 141
------ 142
Bar-headed Goose (1)
Red Kite (3)
Bewick Swan (c40)
Whooper Swan (1)
White-fronted Geese (c25)
Common Crane (2)
" "
" "
" "
Feb 24th. ------ 143
------ 144
------ 145
Hawfinch (3)
Dipper (2)
Brambling (1m)
Park End Sports Gnd
"Fountain" Stream
op. Speech House
March 14th. (123) 146
(124) ------
Water Pipit (1)
White-fronted Goose (1)
Laundry Lane
" "
March 15th. (125) 147 Sand Martin (4) Laundry Lane
March 16th. (126) 148 Wheatear (1m) Culver W. of Beacon
March 20th. (127) 149 Cattle Egret (4) Laundry Lane
March 22nd. (128) 150 Little-ringed Plover (4) Laundry Lane
March 23th. (129) ------ Red Kite (1) Brading Marsh
March 25th. (130) ------
(131) 151
Avocet (2)
Willow Warbler (1+)
Yarmouth Scrape
Rofford Marsh
March 30th. (132) 152 Woodcock (1) Parkhurst Forest
March 31st. (133) 153 Black-throated Diver (1) St. Catherine's Point
April 1st. (134) 154 Black Redstart (1) Saltern Chalets, Seaview
April 2nd. (135) 155 Sedge Warbler (1) "Great Sluice", Brading
April 4th. (136) 156
(137) 157
Swallow (c10)
House Martin (2)
Laundry Lane
" "
April 6th. (138) 158
(139) 159
(140) 160
(141) 161
(142) 162
Arctic Skua (2-3)
Great Skua (1)
Velvet Scoter (4)
Whimbrel (1)
Common Sandpiper
St. Catherine's Point
" "
" "
" "
Hersey NR
April 8th. (143) 163 Whitethroat (2-3) Redcliff Bushes
April 10th. (144) 164 Reed Warbler (2 Heard) Rofford, Yarmouth
April 13th. (145) 165
(146) 166
(147) 167
Nightingale (H)
Wood Sandpiper (2)
Green Sandpiper (6)
Carpenders Road
Triangle Field
(Laundry Lane)
April 14th. (148) 168 Lesser Whitethroat (Heard) Watershoot Bay, SCPt.
April 15th. (149) 169 Swift (1) Laundry Lane
April 16th. (150) 170 Yellow Wagtail (1m) Laundry Lane
April 19th. (151) ----- Bar-tailed Godwit (2) Appley Beach
April 22nd. (152) 171 Cuckoo (H) Brading Marsh
NEW FOREST: Normandy Pennington, Acres Down, Blashford, Eyeworth Pond, Pigbush 94 Species Seen
April 23rd. ------ 172
------ 173
------ 174
------ 175
------ 176
------ 177
Marsh Sandpiper (1)
Common Tern (10+)
Spotted Redshank (1)
Curlew Sandpiper (2?)
Little Tern (7)
Redstart (3m)
" "
" "
" "
" "
April 24th. (153) 178 Garganey (1m) Laundry Lane
April 25th. (154) 179 Garden Warbler (H) Mottistone Down
April 28th. (155) 180
(156) 181
Hobby (2)
Purple Heron (1)
St. Helens Bridge
" "
FOREST OF DEAN: Normandy Slimbridge104 Species Seen
May 3th. ------- 182 Merlin (1) Slimbridge, "Shepherds Hut"
May 4th. ------- 183
------- 184
Pied Flycatcher (2)
Tree Pipit (2)
Nagshead RSPB
Crabtree Hill
May 5th. ------- 185 Whinchat (2+) Blorenge
May 7th. ------- 186 Bluethroat (m, white Spot) Slimbridge
May 9th. (157) 187 Nightjar (H) Parkhurst Forest
May 11th. (158) ------ Common Tern (c50) Fort Victoria
May 14th. (159) 188
(160) 189
Manx Shearwater (7E)
Pomarine Skua (1E)
St. Catherine's Point
" "
May 15th. ------- 190
------- 191
Firecrest (1)
Spotted Flycatcher(s) (H)
Acres Down
May 23rd. (161) ------ Spotted Flycatcher (3) Redcliff, Culver
May 25th. (162) ------ Eider (3m,1f) Fort Victoria
June 7th. ------- 192
------- 193
------- 194
Roseate Tern (2)
Corn Bunting (1)
Woodlark (2)
Martins Down
June 30th. (163) ------ Bittern (1) St. Helens Bridge
July 7th. (164) ------
(165) ------
Little Tern (2)
Roseate Tern (1)
Fort Victoria
" "

That's the total for 2024 so far.

Click below for previous years,
Archive: 2000 onwards

Click for "Index Page"