(Index Page)

Including 100's of pictures of Birds, Insects, Mammals and views of the Isle of Wight, by Derek Hale

SAMPLE PICTURES - See "Picture Galleries" for more

HaddonsPits, 25/4/18
St, Helens, 1/4/13
Glanville Fritillary
Wheelers Bay 22/5/10
Red Squirrel
Alverstone NR, 5/4/10
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Sandown, 18/12/10
Black-winged Stilt
Laundry Lane16/4/23
Red-backed Shrike (J)
Shepherds Chine, 5/10/13
Ring Ouzel(M)
Redcliff, 3/4/16
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

If you liked these then read on....Hundreds of pictures inside!

The Isle of Wight will be covered in detail

Other places covered in less detail,

Keyhaven, Farlington, the New Forest (Hants), and the Forest of Dean (Gloucestershire)

-Newtown Nature Reserve (use NT Car Park by the Old Town Hall)
National Trust, with 3 hides. The East Hide can be reached from Town Copse FP, (follow the road E for this),
The Clamerkin Hide is further on, take FP though Clamerkin Farm, follow the signposts for the hide located in a wood by the Lake.
The Main Hide is locked in Winter, (keys can be obtained from the NT) but is open between 10am and 4pm in the Summer
-The Island's only RSPB Reserve is; "Brading Marsh" (Between Brading and Bembridge Harbour).
NB. THERE IS NO ACCESS TO THIS RESERVE, no Hides no Walks! use FPs around edges, eg "Laundry Lane" (part of the dismantled Brading to Bembridge Railway Track).
There are occasional guided walks, on Saturday or Sunday at 10am (charge-even for members), see local press for details
-The "Hersey Nature Reserve" at Seaview Duver, (E. of the Flamingo Park)
This is Council Owned, with an excellent public hide(Open approx. 8am-Dusk daily), the entrance is on the Puckpool to Seaview coastal road.
-Alverstone Mead Nature Reserve
1 Large hide. Use FP -S. of old railway line, there's a combination lock on the door, but there's also a covered area -good for Red Squirrels.

Click any link below to visit that page.

Isle of Wight Pages
Isle of Wight-Latest Sightings
RECENT RARITIES:- Wood, Green and Common Sandpipers, Osprey, Wheatear, Whinchat, Pied Flycatcher, Cuckoo.
Previous Sightings, Yearlists, Pictures etc;-Archives
Isle of Wight Sightings Archive, for 2001 - 2022
Isle of Wight-Siteguide
Isle of Wight Ornithological Group Official website-(IWOG)
Details of membership, Field Trips in 2022 etc.
Picture Galleries;- |Birds| Mammals| Insects| IOW Tour|
(Click the one you want to see)
My IOW Life List
With pictures of most
Forest of Dean Regular Visits

Hampshire-Sightings;- at Keyhaven, Farlington Marsh, Titchfield Haven, New Forest.
Bittern, Bearded Tit, Red Backed Shrike, Ruff, Temminck's Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper
(Please Note;- Reports will be infrequent now from these sites)
Stocker's Lake- Sightings
Smew, Red Crested Pochard, Goldeneye, Siskin.
Stocker's Lake-Siteguide and Pictures
Little Owl, Little Ringed Plover, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Egyptian Goose, Wryneck etc. Turtle Dove, Black-necked Grebe, Tree Pipit, Goshawk, Hawfinch, Garganey, Peregrine nest, Redstart, Crossbill.
Around London;-Broadwater Lake (Harefield), Fishers Green(Lee Valley), Ruislip Lido.
Ring Necked Duck, Bittern, Long Eared Owl, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Red Crested Pochard.
Staines Reservoir & Wraysbury
Red-backed Shrike, Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, Black Necked Grebe
Tring, Herts;-Wilstone Reservoir & College Lake
Grey Phalarope, Ruff, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Hobby, Black Tern, Greenshank.

Hersey Nature Reserve.

Some more good Birding Links.
Going Birding, IOW Page
Sightings, Pictures etc
Portland Bird Observatory.
Latest news and Sightings, with pictures.
Fat Birder,
Comprehensive site with links to Bird Sites in the UK and Worldwide.
Watford RSPB
Herts Bird Club - Latest rare Bird news- with details
Birdsite lists - find other birding websites here
Binoculars for Birding - binocular buyers guide
Binoculars for Birding - binoculars-another good guide
Birds of Britain.
British Birdlists -Is that bird in the list?
IOW Links
IOW Guide at "Fat Birder" - Has useful links for the area.

IOW Nostalgia - Dave Parkers very informative site with many interesting pictures.
Dinosaur Museum, Sandown - the IOW has provided excellent Dinosaur fossils.
Live IOW Weather - see what the weather conditions are now
Mainland Links
New Forest Explorers Guide - includes a page on birdwatching.
Going Birding, Hampshire PageSightings, Pictures etc

This strange thing is ME